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Slavery in Supply Chains

Slavery in supply chains refers to the use of forced or exploited labor in the production of goods or services that make up a supply chain. This type of slavery is a form of human trafficking, where individuals are coerced or deceived into working in exploitative conditions without freedom of movement or choice. Slavery in supply chains is a global issue, and can occur in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and construction.


Companies and consumers alike have a responsibility to ensure that the products they buy are free from slavery and other forms of exploitation. This requires companies to carry out due diligence in their supply chains, including risk assessments, audits, and continuous monitoring, to identify and mitigate the risk of slavery. The goal is to promote ethical and responsible sourcing practices, and to create supply chains that are free from slavery and exploitation.

Tackling Slavery in Supply Chains: An Urgent Priority

In recent years, the issue of slavery in supply chains has gained increased attention and scrutiny. With globalization, supply chains have become increasingly complex and difficult to track, making it difficult to ensure that the products we buy are not made using forced labour or other forms of modern slavery.


Modern slavery is a horrific and inhumane practice that affects millions of people around the world. It encompasses a range of abuses, including forced labour, human trafficking, and debt bondage, and is often found in supply chains, particularly those that involve low-wage workers in industries such as agriculture, construction, and manufacturing.

The impact of slavery in supply chains extends far beyond the individuals who are directly affected. It undermines fair competition, distorts global markets, and can negatively impact the reputation of companies and countries that are complicit in these practices. It also perpetuates poverty, perpetrates violence and discrimination, and undermines economic and social development.


Tackling slavery in supply chains is not only a moral imperative but also an urgent priority for companies and governments alike. Companies can take steps to address slavery in their supply chains by implementing responsible sourcing practices, conducting risk assessments, and working with suppliers to improve working conditions. Governments can also play an important role by enforcing laws and regulations that prohibit slavery and trafficking, and by providing support and resources to help prevent and combat these practices.


It is time for businesses and governments to take a stand against slavery in supply chains and to work together to create a fairer and more just global economy. By doing so, we can help ensure that the products we buy and the jobs we rely on are free from the stain of modern slavery.

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